Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let it be.

from Circle Prints on Etsy

I cannot be the only person who has a difficult time with this concept. I'm telling you, for me, it is oh so difficult. I'm not the "let it be" type by nature. I tend to be the "beat it until it's dead and you are 100% sure that it won't come back to life, are you sure it's not still moving? I should put the bat down now? Are you sure?!?" type of girl. Taking the zen approach to a problem and letting it mellow while giving myself, and potentially the person I'm having a conflict with, time to think isn't my strong suit. In all honesty I think that's my plan. Then I let anxiety take over and I feel like I have to do something. NOW. right now. and you know what? 10 out of 10 times I will make that situation worse. I will run my big mouth and I will make the other person angrier. I will confuse myself more. 

Let.it.be. Stacey, Let. it. be. There will be an answer. Let it be. Sometimes a hands off approach is a better way of dealing with things. It's not about being non-confrontational. It's about choosing to be at peace with a situation, choosing to let your heart be filled with calm and light as opposed to anxiety and conflict.

and when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines for me, shine on til tomorrow. Let it be.

 This continues to be a recurring issue difficulty for me. I'm going to be proactively decide to let it be (which seems a bit ironic). I'm going to focus on taking care of me mentally and physically. The rest will come. There will be an answer.

Now go out and rent Across the Universe. Go.Now.

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